Friday, May 27, 2011

Update! Version 0.33!

I've spent most the day getting things together for major overhaul I want to do for they way items work in version 0.4. In the process I've caught and fixed a number serious bugs that have until now gone unnoticed and updated some internal stuff with the way the mouse works and items are generated. Here's the list of changes I can remember:

Changes in 0.33
-Added a General Character Overview Page to the Skill Menu
-You now use click-able buttons inside your inventory to equip, drop, sell and swap items.
-Lightning Gun and Flame Thrower are now item drops.

Bugs Fixed in 0.33
-You now respawn from death with replenished Energy.
-Fixed bug that allowed you to use weapons you had 0 skill points in by equipping and un-equipping items. You also switch back the standard blaster at 0 energy now.
-Fixed bug that cause item bonuses to attack (damage, cold damage, fire damage, knockback, etc.) to not be added to players attack when equipped. !!!WARNING, your old items from saved games will still not give you these bonuses!!!
-Fixed bug that caused charged-up charge beam damage to be briefly stored as the player's base damage.
-The Lightning Gun now does electrical damage (it had been normal physical damage).

The biggest change is the manner in which the inventory works. Start playing with items and telling me more of what you'd like to see.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Version 0.3 now available!

Here's 0.3! Not too many differences from 0.28, but I've laid a lot of ground work for the big changes and updates you'll see on the way to 0.4

Changes in 0.3
-New Freeze Thrower Sprite.
-New Lightning Gun Sprite.
-New room procedure for 3x3 rooms.
-Bat Hive is now animated.
-Add cloud layer of parallax.
-Some new skill menu art.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Saved Games!

Okay everybody. I just got a saved games working. They work in the same way Diablo's network saves work. All of your player data and quest progress is saved, but you'll always start at the zone entrance you left off at. In the case of the current alpha test, this means starting in the first room of Level 1.

WARNING! Don't get to attached to your robot as you grind your way through Level 1 over and over again. The functionality of saved games is likely to change as I learn more about Adobe AIR and make changes to the way items work in coming updates. This means the robots you make more fight in this version of the game might not survive the next. This will especially be true after I overhaul the inventory system for version 0.4

However, I have tested making changes to superficial changes to the physics and level generation code and reloading saved games, and it works. With what bugs, who knows?

Current version is 0.28 and the new save system is the only updated feature from 0.27.

In 0.3 I plan on adding some features that will make it more difficult to accidentally erase your 1 saved game (right now all you have to do is press "Z" at the main menu and *bloop* your robot is gone). I may even try and include the option for multiple games/saves.

The plan is to eventually do some PHP stuff so that players can have accounts where they can access their robots from any computer. That's all above my head right now though.

Anyways. Play test the hell out of this folks. It could very well be buggy as hell.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

No Update this Weekend. Sorry.

Sorry guys. No update this weekend. I've been super distracted playing Guardian Legends on NES. How did I miss this game when I was a kid. It's the best!

New 20th level Skill Tree 3 power in the works. TURN INTO A SPACE-JET!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Just made 3 new weapons available and added a lot of stuff to the menu. Also fixed a number of bugs Check it out.

Fixes, Additions and Changes in 0.265
-Rapid Rockets in.
-Lightning Gun and Freeze Thrower available w/ placeholder gfx for bug testing.
-Added Music Toggle to Menu
-Added "Blow Up My Robot" to Menu;
-Added Flickering Inversion to Charge Spark
-Added "Any Key" Detection
-Added Options for setting keys to Default and W,A,S,D in Key Menu.
-Change Some Aspects of how items spawn.
-Dying only makes you lose 1/2 of the FIGHT you've gained towards next level instead of all of it.
-Buzzsaw Gun Item now only requires level 10.
-Flame Thrower, Buzz-saws and Charge Bolts now destroy blocks.
-Clicking on edge of a Set Key button will no longer click on the key above it.
-Fixed some text issues in the skill menu. Still lots of formatting errors though.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

As Promised: UPDATE

Configurable controls are in! The menu isn't very pretty at the moment, but that will come. The current mechanic is simple:

ESC => Set Controls => Click on action you wish to assign => Press the new key you wish to perform that action.

Also, you can currently assign a key to multiple actions (such as aim down / open skill menu). I'm still debating on how this handle this. Is it fine as is? Should it set any conflicting keys to null? Should it swap the key for any conflicting actions with the old key of the recently assign action? Thoughts?

I plan on adding a button to revert the keys to default very soon, and also a button that will set them to a W,A,S,D configuration.

Next thing I plan to get to is saving your player (along with your config).

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Quick Update!

I have assignable keys working. I plan on making the menu art for and uploading a new version Friday. For everyone who's been complaining that the movement controls aren't W,A,S,D... get pumped!
