-Arrow Keys move your robot left and right. The up key aims up and the down key will crouch, allowing you to shoot lower to the ground. When jumping the down key aims down.
-The "Z" key Jumps. The longer you hold the key down, the higher you jump. If you land on the ground while holding the "Z" key you will jump again.
-The "X" key Shoots. The "X" key shoots the weapon you have selected. Hold the "X" key down to fire continuously with the Machine Gun, Flame Thrower and other weapons.
-The "M" key toggles an automap displayed above your robots head.
-The "Q" and "E" keys can be used to scroll through you available weapons.
=====Wall Jumping=====
When you jump towards a wall, hold the arrow key facing the wall to slide down it. While sliding, press "Z" to bounce of the wall. You can use this to climb straight up vertical walls or you can clear great distances by quickly pressing the arrow key to face away from the wall after jumping.
Pressing "I" will create a swirly portal above your robot. Jump into the portal to enter your inventory space.=====Skill Menu=====
You can equip items to one of 4 slots by standing in front of them and pressing "1","2","3" or "4".
Pressing the Spacebar while standing over an item will convert the item to Moneys. Moneys currently have no in game use.
Press "I" again to exit your inventory.
Press "S" to open and close the skill menu or click the open close button in the top right hand corner of the HUD with your mouse.
When you have skill points available you can click on skill icons to level them up.
There are currently 3 skill trees: Mechanical Weapons, Elemental Weapons, and... Other Stuff.
They can be accessed by click on the 1,2,3 buttons.
Try leveling up Double Jump in tree 3 if you're having difficulty navigating the level.