Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Version 0.43

Hey all, fixed the inventory bugs. Turned out to be a nasty error that was causing event listeners and arrays and other objects to stick around after exiting the play state. That's what I get for maintaining my own piece-meal, extensively modified version of Flixel since version 1.2.

Tonight or tomorrow I'm going to go over the newest version of Flixel and see if I can incorporate its better features, and makes some other tweaks and changes I've been thinking about to all the graphics buffering stuff.

Also, this version has visible armor, boots, and sprites. No new gfx yet, but color-shifting works.

I plan on working more with items in the next update and have them generate more appropriately to the area they're in. I'm tired of Lvl Req 5 Items dropping at Level 1.

Other plans:
-Make spikes deal damage instead of auto-kill
-Figure out ongoing damage
-Add lava that auto-kills.
-Make a pop-up frame for item descriptions instead of using the narrow hint-bar.
-Figure out how to show quest goals on the automap.
-Add a quest log.

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